So we find the new year upon us and once again we ask ourselves, "What will my new years resolution be this year?" Hmm, what shall I contract with myself that I am going to change in my life for the better?
This morning I woke up thinking why is it always something we want to change? Why not take a moment and think about the things we love...the things we are passionate about...the things we love to do in our free time...the things that are just so hard to pull ourselves away from to carry on with our day?
My friend and I were on the same vibe yesterday carrying Joseph Campbell's words in our heart, "When you follow your bliss...doors will open where you would not have thought there were doors....and the world will step in and help." He began quoting Joseph while at the same time I pulled the quote out of my planner to show him those words showed up in my life on the very same day....clearly words meant for us to hear...message received.
So this year I once again started the top of a blank page with 2008 and wrote down the things I am passionate about for direction as to what I will pursue or continue to go after this year...somewhere in there my treasure of prosperity and satisfaction are waiting...or will simple show up as a reminder and encouragement to continue on sister!
The page filled up quickly as I held nothing back...there were no limits and I quieted all self talk of, "Are you serious you really think that is possible?" Cancel clear on that one betcha and I am going for it!
Certainly I won't bore you with my list, but I will share that first and foremost it was clear that I love and cannot get enough of researching, reading and experimenting with the health benefits of natural, whole and living foods for rejuvenation and optimal health and spiritual growth and power. After dealing with a body that was a mess and out of balance from chemotherapy, radiation and pharm. drugs in 1999, it has been an interesting adventure ride taking responsiblity for my life cleansing and doing the emotional/spiritual work so I could rejuvenate my being and contnue to walk the planet to evolve and give back!
So as I continue to dive in on such topics this year, I am committed to share with you what I learn! Your role is not to take my word for it, but to take it all in and make it your own. I have learned we are our own doctor. Never give your power away to anyone who says this is the "way". Listen to yourself and proceed with whatever feels right for you and go for it! That is why we have LIFE! To learn, love and share!
So cheers to you and a happy new year! Follow your inspirations and say yes to your aspirations! We must decide for ourselves what success is, what "making it" means, and go for it! Yes you can!!
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