Traditional Home magazine recently named Ron one of their Top 20 New Traditionals, showcasing him in the launch of their new online magazine Trad Home. Ron’s work has also been featured in Lonny Magazine, as a part of the premiere issue. A makeover project was published in The New York Times. His New York home has been shown in Metropolitan Home magazine, and on the HGTV show “Small Space Big Style”. After being featured on the show, Ron was asked to join the show as an on-air expert.
- Ron Marvin is not just a talented man, but a sincere breath of fresh air. Ron is a long time college freind of my sister's and a fellow Iowan. If you are born and raised in Iowa, a blueprint is embedded within you of grounded integrity and gentleness that even New York City cannot dilute. I can't seem to get to a high enough mountain top to sing prasies for not only Ron's talent, but for the contagious happy spirit that is Ron Marvin. He is animnated, overflows with creative vision and energy, and truly LOVES his work.
Ron Marvin Design
119 West 23rd Street
Suite 409
New York, NY 10011