Friday, November 4, 2011


what trail to you leave through your journey?  
what do you leave people with every day, every minute, 
what do you leave people with?  
what do you leave in your wake?  
do you leave people better then they were? 
do you leave a battle with nature?  
if someone is not conforming to your plans, or requirements, 
or needs, do you fight the natural flow of nature in someone else?
do you reject nature when it is convient to you?  
how do you deal with oneness in your daily life? 
do you reject nature when someone didn’t turn up on time?  
do you reject nature when someone let you down on something?  
does it work out later on and you think, what was i worried about?  
what was i upset about, its worked out.  
do you have the realization to know,  
to sense the order of nature in your life?  
are you manifesting the correct things?  
are you vibrating in the right way to make your path most effective?

what do you leave in your wake?
-Master John Douglas