My teacher and inspiration, John Douglas has a remedy that will calm any nerve, clear any "bug", sooth any over stressed muscle and just about anything else under the sun. It is as simple as it gets. All you need to do is fill a tub, give yourself 30 minutes to 2 hours, light a candle, get a good book or calming music, or even better just gaze and turn off your "mind" and enjoy.
Here is what you need for one bath:
2 pounds of sea salt
1pound of baking soda
1 pound of epsom salt
Fill the tub with hot water, no soap, add all the "potions" as they quickly dissolve....then just relax in bliss for 30 minutes minimum to 2 hours. Get out of the tub, rinse off in a clean shower, wrap yourself up in love!
Enjoy and please share the love!